Top prize for our AMS farmers
Fantastic news from Chandrani Banerjee, Head of Livelihood Programmes for Shivia in West Bengal:
“I am delighted to report that one of our AMS farmer groups at our Sundia location (Kolkata) has received the first prize trophy from a government sponsored television channel for being the best Farmer Interest Group to be practicing environment-friendly farming, using mostly bio-inputs for fertilisers and pesticides. The award also recognised the fact that this group is making more profits compared to others in their locality who are not using our AMS techniques.
During the TV broadcast there was a Q&A session where farmers from other districts of Bengal participated and in which our team performed the best.
Our LSP Gour took the initiative to participate in this programme – here he is collecting the first prize award along with two farmer members as representatives of the group.”

Congratulations to Gour and the farmers in the group for this wonderful achievement. The award is a huge endorsement for our Agri-management Services Programme which is designed to help marginalised farmers practice responsible and sustainable farming and earn an income with dignity.