About us
Shivia was founded in 2008 and is a UK registered charity working in India.
We empower the people in most need, and particularly women, to work their own way out of poverty and provide a brighter future for themselves and their family.
The focus for each of our programmes is to provide the tools and training for people to start their own small enterprise and earn a decent income. We believe this is key to the success of our programmes and helps deliver the impact we are striving for.
In 2020 we established Shivia Livelihoods Foundation in India, a Section 8 Company (NGO) – click here for more details.
Although a relatively small charity, the standard of governance is of the highest order and the quality of reporting back to the donors exemplary. We have visited Shivia’s operations in India and found the quality of people and their commitment to be commendable. Our view is that Shivia has the organisational structure in place to be a significantly larger charity without compromising on quality or the impact of their work.
As with all charities a key factor is the founder, and in Olly Donnelly, the founder and Chief Executive, there is unstinting commitment and effective professionalism and a driving force for maximum positive impact in the communities in which Shivia operates.
The Artemis Charitable Foundation