Damon de Laszlo, The Damon de Laszlo Foundation
Shivia’s unique approach to helping subsistence farmers in West Bengal is very effective. They train individuals, giving them specific expertise to improve their agricultural output for the benefit of the whole family. The first great success has been teaching many thousands how to raise chickens and take advantage of selling eggs to produce an income. Having studied the lives of their beneficiaries, and asking them where they needed help, their second project was with agriculture and their third with goats. When I visited Shivia in West Bengal in November 2015, it was interesting to note the number of water ponds and the possibility of developing fish-farming as another source of protein and income. The Shivia team always starts a project with in-depth research and I am delighted to learn that they are now in a position to conduct a research project into fish-farming as their next livelihood enhancing programme. I look forward to hearing the results later this year and hope others will join me in supporting this project.